Monday 6 May 2013

With thanks

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this blog. I realize I trailed off towards the end but there's something about the undead rising that is really distracting-you know?

 So remember to keep your eyes open and stay alert because if it happens again, you might not be a survivor next time..!

Signing off one last time
for the IHS

Tuesday 30 April 2013


As I mentioned, I have received word from some of the higher ups. Although the IHS is a very large organization, we have been busy. They knew I was right for the job and they sent me out with my men. Not hearing from them for months [six months, to be exact] was not unexpected. What did surprise me? The fifty men that were suddenly available to join in our observations.

I suppose the IHS isn't so busy after all.

With these men come opportunity. As I mentioned in my last post we have started a rotation of observation. These extra men will help us keep everything in order. I hope that with them on board, my reports can come easier.

There's nothing like the zombie apocalypse to keep you busy.


Monday 29 April 2013

More observations

Based on the changes happening outside we ourselves need to change. I have added more members to my crew and together we will begin to truly understand what is happening here. In small platoons of three my men will be scouting the area and observing the undead. We hope to lose no men but we understand that could be part of the process. I have received a lot of feed back from those at the IHS-and I agree with all of it. There should be no left or right. We are here to observe and hence forth we will be doing nothing but moving straight forward with that.


Wednesday 10 April 2013


I realize this is the first update in weeks. This journal has fallen to the way side as other things have been happening. If there was doubt of an undead invasion [and there was] it is no longer the case. Too many individuals have died, too many individuals have fallen. The clinic is all but a waste now. We keep a chunk of our people working in the clinic but it has been fruitless. With the sudden attacks in the area...and the poison seemingly a past threat-there's no point.

We are still under watch, however.

I find my enthusiasm waxing and waning. At night, when no one but the watch is moving I hear nothing out in the woods. Nothing but the movement of my own men, and even they are unnoticeable once they leave the cave.

But still-we march forward-always, always observing if nothing else.

After months of not hearing from our six missing individuals we count them as lost. If they rest, may they rest in peace.


Monday 25 March 2013

Office Work

As with any endeavor there is always some paper work to be done. With the Sanitarium we are keeping track of everyone who visits us as well as how their samples pan out. We monitor and keep track of how long they stay with us, how much of everything they need and how their body reacts.

Thank goodness for Professor Shiveneetsa. Although she is a biology professor, her ability to organize and plan schedules is amazing.

Thank you, Professor, thank you.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Sanitarium Runnings

So far things are running smoothly. I have no experience running a business, this would be the closest thing to it. Since we aren't charging, the only way in which this is like a business is the customers. They have been pretty good all things considered. At the front we have an individual running a reception desk. She is very capable and has one of those voices that demands attention. Personally, I think it's because she has a bit of an issue with volume control but she helps keep things organized. Everyone around here is generally assigned to individuals as they come in. Since the traffic has been relatively slow, we have one-two workers per patient.

I hope they continue to come to us for help. Even more so, I hope that the person who has been poisoning them stops.


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Open House!

We've been working on this clinic for sometime. I withheld information just in case of failure. As it isn't part of the original goal of the IHS units out here, I figured I would wait until things started to pan out.

Well, they've panned! We haven't had large numbers coming in. No droves of sick people but we've had enough that I feel like we are making a difference. They are been a few issues that have needed resolves but everyone seems very willing and happy to keep working like this.

Originally, people were leery. For one, the gates to the Duchy were locked. Those who were very sick did not care, they wanted help. Most likely their families wanted help and so they disregarded this issue. Also; I am an unknown in these parts. People don't much take kindly to those unfamiliar to them (see; the Duke).

Personally, I believe the method I use to be very convincing. It's all natural! You can do this yourself at home...but with the gates locked, trade routes are closed. Also; the more people I treat the more samples I get. The more samples I get the better I will be able to cure these people.

I hope that those who have been successful in their treatment will spread word. The gates are no longer locked so...hopefully.
